Ushtari amerikan që erdhi në Kosovë të luftojë në radhët e UÇK-së, Michael Spath, ka kërkuar nga ministri i financave, Hekuran Murati, që të japë dorëheqje pasi një status i tij i shkruar më 2016-ën është bërë viral.
Murati në statusin e tij ka thënë se Kosova do të ishte më mirë që të paguante veteranë, sepse tani po vuan pasoja financiare duke i paguar veteranët. Spath ka thënë se Murati nuk ka kaluar Testin e IQ-së në Ambasadën Mbretërisë së Bashkuar, në të cilën ai dështoi për t’u punësuar.
Ai po ashtu ka shtuar se po shqyrton mundësinë që të padisë Muratin.
Ky është shkrimi i plotë i tij:
Good evening……
At this giving Time I am asking that Mr. Hekuran Murati to anounce his Resignation from all Political Issues within the Current Government
This Person is not Qualified to be in any Government or official Position,,,which already can be clearly be seen by his IQ Test within the Embassy of the United Kingdom, which he clearly failed in order to be Employed .
Also without any doubt he is the biggest Opponent and as a Political Figure showes the most Hatred against the UCK/KLA Veterans, with unsupported accusations and Misinformation.
The UCK were the Boots on the Ground for Nato ,which also includes Seal Team Six, C.T.A S.A.S. and Others.
Such Statements as we are Mercenaries, and other Unsupported or Unjustified Statements torch the Veterans of War is Unacceptable and a Disgrace to every Soldier, Veteran in the entire World, in the Past, Present and Future
I myself as a US Army Airborne Ranger, Sniper, Instructor, and part of the greatest Group of all the UCK, is also considering a Deformation Lawsuit in two Parts .
One against the Political Party of VV , and against Mr. Hekuran Murati, were he has to lay open all his credentials.
So bottom line is he and others are a totall Disgrace to a great Nation called Kosovo
Plus to everyone who ever served in any Military in the World who Served and protected Nation’s the ones that brought you the Freedom.
Shame on you Mr.Murati .
Michael W Spath
U.S Army Airborne Ranger
Veteran of Foreign Wars
Kosovo Citizen